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6 'Saviors' for your health during the pandemic


1. Almond

As a rich source of protein and minerals, almond is one of the top healthy nuts especially to young children. Vitamin E in almond helps preventing the attack of free radicals in our body while iron will protect our immunity system. Consuming 5-6 almonds every morning not only reduce inflammation but also lower the risk of chronic diseases.

2. Walnut

In addition to the famous benefit for brain reinforcement and development, walnut offer other miracles to our immunity system. Fatty acid (Omega 3) can reduce inflammation, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and boost your metabolism.

3. Brazil nuts

This type of nut brings significant health benefits to your body thanks to the rich content of selenium – one of the essential micronutrients for normal body function. Brazil nut is also the best source of selenium among other nuts as each nut can contain from 96 to 400 mcg. A handful of Brazil nuts everyday will improve your thyroid function, reduce inflammation, protect your heart and your brain.

4. Cashew nuts

Cooper and iron in cashew nuts enhance your body’s ability to create red blood cells, which in turn improve the body immunity system.

5. Pistachios

Arginine and vitamin B6 in pistachios bring numerous health benefits to us as they improve the oxygen movement to our cells, thus increasing our blood circulation. In addition, they increase our system’s immunity and improve our mental health.

6. Raisins

Raisin is famous for its anti-inflammation and anti-bacteria features. It will help your body fight against fevers, infections, and seasonal diseases. Moreover, with rich iron content, raisin will be good for women during their period.
